Why I decided to start offering High Quality Heirloom Albums in my Wedding Day Package


I honestly cant believe that I am finally sharing a blog post about this! LIke…..I thought the day would never come that I would be able to offer WEDDING ALBUMS to my clients now!

Is this groundbreaking in the wedding world? No. Is it something you have to reach a certain level as a wedding photographer to offer? No. Any wedding photographer can offer a wedding album to their clients, even if today is your first day! But for me it was WAY more than being able to stick some photos in a book from Walgreens that gets printed in an hour and calling it “done”. It’s not a check marked off the list of things to do in post processing. Offering wedding albums to my clients is something I have always dreamed of doing since I started this buisness…..and truthfully might be one of the reasons I even started wedding photography! But not in a “just to get it done” way. I knew offering albums was something I wanted to do right, and something of HIGH QUALITY! It took me almost a whole YEAR of researching different wedding album companies, and digging into their process of creating these albums, how long they lasted, the quality of what I am going to be offering, ect. Because lets face it….MY CLIENTS DESERVE THE BEST :)

After doing so much research, I found one company that I fell in love with so I ordered a few sample albums to see the quality in person, and when I tell you I instantly fell in love with just the packaging of this company before I even OPENED THE ACTUAL ALBUM….I was blown away! OBSESSED enough to start adding them into my wedding day packages so now every client of mine gets one!

With this blog post I wanted to share 2 things: 1). Why I even wanted to offer albums in the first place. And 2). A few of my favorite things about this album company I LOVE!

OK. Why did I even want to offer a wedding day album?

To be honest, I think the main reason why this has been so important to me from day 1 is because this is something I wish I had from my own wedding day. Lets be real for a minute….can you make your own albums from Walgreens or Walmart? Sure. But who actually remembers to do that? Not very many people unless a family member eventually does it for you as a gift. And even then, the quality is not great, AT ALL. This is a story I share all the time, but its a part of who I am in this business, and one of the main reasons why I have such a passion for what I do. When me & Justin got married back in 2015, we got 1 really decent picture of us on our wedding day ( and its HORRIBLE quality! Imagine this being the best picture you got from your whole wedding day* insert happy crying face here* lol Mason was 1, and I was about 7 months pregnant with Paxton) ill share it below just for funsies!

YIKES. Right? The rest of the images I had that were delivered to me were on a CD disk, were all out of focus, and unusable for anything. The CD disk now doesn’t even play when you insert it into a DVD player because its so scratched up from over the years. I wish I would have had a photographer that cared enough about my wedding day images like I did, and I had an album that we could at least show mason and paxton from our wedding day! THAT is why wedding albums have such a dear place in my heart, and now business! Being able to offer people what I never got the chance to have heals all the parts of me that long for being able to look back on our wedding day just one more time. Being able to take a couples favorite images from their day and arrange them all perfectly to have in a High Quality Heirloom album that will last for generations brings me so much joy!

So now that you know my heart behind why I added Albums to my wedding day package, let me share some of my favorite things about them!

1). My favorite thing on the top of this whole list just might be the fact that I get to design it! The couple will choose up to 100 of their favorite images from the day, and from their selected favorites I get to piece them all together to tell the perfect story of their day! I am a designer by heart, and a lot of photographers outsource their albums (which means someone else designs it) which isn’t bad, but I love to be involved from the very beginning to the very end! Here is a peek at the first few pages!

And here are a few more of my favorite pages from this wedding day that I designed!

2). I am IN LOVE with the thick page option with these albums! There is an option to have thin pages, but I feel like the thick pages makes the quality of the album so much more elegant, and holds up better!

3). There are SO many different ways to customize the cover! You can add an image, have a name engraved, or leave it blank! You can choose from a linen or leather cover! The one I have here is a linen cover, in the color “In The Sand” which I feel like is such a great neutral color! Here are a few of my other favorite color options they offer!

I had the last name with the year engraved on the front of this one!

4). There are 4 different size options! 12x12 - 10x10 - 8x8 - 4x4. Here is the 12x12 and the 4x4 side by side so you can see the size difference!

There are so many things I love about these albums, these are just a few of my top favorites! I cant wait to start designing these for wedding days from now on, so your favorite images from your wedding day don’t sit on a CD disk and get messed up never to be seen again. I pray these have a special place in every home they go to, because its such a special day to be remembered. <3

Thanks for reading

x0x0, sam


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